Each year, St. James’ honors the life and legacy of The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. We are a community inspired by his vision for justice for all people, freedom from poverty, and reconciliation through Christ-formed love.
Saturday, 6 pm: Peace Through PIE bidding begins.
8 am Rite I Eucharist (in-person) with preacher, The Rev. Edward Thompson
9 am Sunday Forum (on Zoom and in-person) with The Rev. Eileen O’Brien. Exploring 1 Corinthians
9:15 am Online Godly Play (children, ages 3-10) MLK Storytelling
10:30 am Rite II Eucharist with preacher, The Rev. Edward Thompson (in-person and live-streamed)
12:00 pm Peace Through PIE: The Event (in person and online)
Bidding closes at 12:30.
1:00 pm La Santa Eucaristia (en persona y en vivo), El Rvdo. Jim Harrington predicador
5:00 pm Holy Eucharist with preacher, The Rev. Eileen O’Brien (in-person and live-streamed)

Meet our Preacher
The Rev. Edward Thompson is the Middle School Chaplain at St. Stephen’s Episcopal School. Thompson earned his M.Div. from Nashotah House Theological Seminary and his B.A. from Cutting University College. Most recently he served as associate rector at Trinity Episcopal Church in Galveston, Texas. In addition to his chaplain duties, Thompson teaches 8th-grade Theology.