1941 Webberville Rd., Austin, Texas 78721
(512) 926-6339

Serve at St. James’

Participate in the Life of St. James'

Worship Ministries

There are many opportunities to participate in worship services. Lay Eucharistic Ministers assist at the altar and administer the chalice during communion. Lectors read from the Bible; Intercessors lead the prayers of the people. Ushers and Greeters welcome and guide members and visitors. The Altar Guild works behind the scenes to prepare our worship space and liturgical vessels. Starting in fourth grade, acolytes assist by carrying crosses and banners, ringing bells, and lighting candles.

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Foundations Ministries

Underlying all we do at St. James’, our foundations ministries keep things running and growing.

Brushbusters and Buildings & Grounds maintain and improve the property. Communications shares information about parish life; Photography ensures an ongoing history.

Pastoral Care

The ministry of caring for each other through change and transition as an expression of God’s love is at the heart of the church’s life together.  At St. James’, clergy and non-clergy alike are deeply involved in caring for each other through prayer and presence.  Learn more about our prayer groups, Community of Hope, the Meal Ministry, and eucharistic visitors here.

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Foundations Ministries

St. James’ is committed to extending radical hospitality to all we encounter.  Our Greeters welcome visitors; and our Newcomers’ Ministry connects members to the congregation.

The Hospitality Committee encourages fellowship and connections by serving food, celebrating special church days; and assisting families during trying times.