1941 Webberville Rd., Austin, Texas 78721
(512) 926-6339

Join the Phenomenal Women

This month’s meeting is next Tuesday, December 14 at 7:00 in Founders’ Hall! There will have a Christmas cookie exchange—-very simple, just bring a dozen or 2 cookies and take home the same number of different cookies to share with family, freeze for later, etc.! Easy and fun! If you want to bring a few more for sampling or the recipe to share, all the more fun!  But PLEASE, please, even if you’re not into the cookie idea, please come anyway and share the fellowship, relationship building, getting to know the new members.  We’ll do a potluck, too, but that is also optional—(Maybe we’ll just eat cookies!! 😉)

We have other things on our agenda:

  • Advent: what does it mean to you?
  • January is our Annual Peace Through Pies Sunday for Martin Luther King day. Phenomenal Women usually sponsors that, but we may do things a little differently this year. Come and learn all about it