Congratulations to Marci Henna and Fred Miller. Their movie When We Last Spoke had a great night at the ICVM…
Dear People of St. James’, It is with such joy and gratitude that I share this news with you! All…
DJ Olsson and Susan Joiner have faithfully completed a three-year course of studies in the sacred art and practice of…
One of our founders and dear friend, Mrs. Bertha Means passed this week. Please keep the Means family in your…
The Honorable Lora J. Livingston will receive Anti-Defamation League’s Austin’s Jurisprudence Award at ADL Austin’s Jurisprudence Virtual Event. The Jurisprudence…
Topic: Spring Journey Group Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88906295470?pwd=SXVEbUpKdkVSUTBQYUJ2Ymw3RElsZz09 Meeting ID: 889 0629 5470 Passcode: qHg5AB One tap mobile +13462487799,,88906295470#,,,,*810821# US…
Did you know that Elaine Barber is playing harp in driveway concerts on Monday evenings, with Alex Coke, this year’s…
Don’t forget to set your clocks back before you go to bed on Halloween night. Daylight saving time ends November…