1941 Webberville Rd., Austin, Texas 78721
(512) 926-6339

News for the St. James’ Family

Did you know that Elaine Barber is playing harp in driveway concerts on Monday evenings, with Alex Coke, this year’s recipient of the AD Mannion award? Check it out here:   https://youtu.be/EyrguQ4ZuJ8.   You can access the archive or tune in for the latest Monday night LIVESTREAM from  https://www.facebook.com/mood.indigo.37/videos or visit the archives on youtube at: https://www.youtube.com/user/alexcoke

Aurian Williams gave birth to a girl, Za’lani Jhene Franklin, earlier this week. Welcome to the St. James’ family baby Za’lani!

Rosemary Belle, Emma McPherson’s sister recently passed away .  You can send a note of condolence to Mrs. McPherson at 5214 E. Martin Luther King, Austin, Texas 78721.

Simone Talma Flower’s article  Practice understanding to spread love in our community was recently published in the  Austin American Statesman. You can read it here: https://www.austin360.com/entertainmentlife/20201102/practice-understanding-to-spread-love-in-our-community?fbclid=IwAR30tK_9AfIbss7L7OIPFdBZGz2qghWpcNT05LStXfo6ox36EQqkBV7rPzo

In gratitude for the hard work of the faculty and staff at our partner elementary school Norman-Sims, the St. James’ Reading Buddies–on behalf of the church–are providing treats and lunches for them. We’ll deliver donuts and juice on the first Friday, pizzas on the second Friday, and sandwiches on the third Tuesday of each month. It’s a tangible way for us to thank them for all the very difficult jobs they are doing during this pandemic. If you would like to help with this effort, please contact Jim Harrington at: jim@stjamesaustin.org.