1941 Webberville Rd., Austin, Texas 78721
(512) 926-6339

News for the St. James’ Family

One of our founders and dear friend, Mrs. Bertha Means passed this week.  Please keep the Means family in your prayers. Notes and letters of condolence and more specific stories and memories may be sent to the Means family at  7400 Valburn Dr, Austin, 78731.

Mark Mitchell’s father, Sandefer Mitchell, passed away on March 7th. Please keep the Mitchell family in your prayers.  You can send notes and letters of condolences to 703 Garner Ave., Austin Texas 78704.

Mamie Isensee Bondy, mother of Michele Bondy, passed recently.  Notes and letters of  condolence may be sent to Michele Bondy at 207 Dilworth St. San Antonio, TX 78203.  Funeral services are scheduled for March 27 at 2 pm at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Wimberley, Texas.  You can view the memorial on Zoom: Phone one-tap: US: +13462487799,,91255607965# or +16699006833,,91255607965#
Meeting URL: https://zoom.us/j/91255607965?pwd=cjVZVjFiVk1QL0VEVkdwMTJSQ29Cdz09
Meeting ID: 912 5560 7965
Passcode: 654475