1941 Webberville Rd., Austin, Texas 78721
(512) 926-6339

Services in the Christmas Season

December 24, 4 pm

Holy Communion with Children’s Pageant

Join us for our annual family service on Christmas Eve! We begin the service with a ‘pick up ‘ pageant. Children should come dressed as their favorite character from the gospel narrative: Stars, Angels, Sheep, Shepherds, Mary, Joseph, baby Jesus, Wise-people, and Animals of all kinds. When their character is mentioned in the story they will be invited to join us up at the manger. No costume? No problem! We have plenty! The pageant is followed by a brief child-oriented eucharist with music provided by our Children’s Choir. This is a fantastic service for inviting friends, neighbors, grandparents, or the young at heart.

Costumes and Cookies

We need extra hands to help out before, during, and after the Christmas Pageant. Wanna help? Email Simone, our Director of Family Ministries familyministry@stjamesaustin.org

Children’s Choir Rehearsals

December 22: All children and youth are encouraged to attend a brief choir rehearsal December 22nd at 5pm to review songs that will be sung during the Christmas Pageant. (Note: this is a music rehearsal only. There is no theatre acting rehearsal for our pick up pageant.)

December 24: Children’s Choir will meet at 3pm to rehearse before the family service.

December 24, 10 pm

Festival Holy Communion

This beautiful service begins at 9:30 with a choral concert followed by a service of Holy Communion at 10:00 pm. Don’t forget to bring your bell to ring, and be sure to stay for a festive reception in Founders Hall.

December 25, 10 am

Holy Communion with Carols

Escape the holiday mayhem for a Christmas Day service of communion and carols.

December 29, 11:30am to 1pm

Kwanzaa Celebration

St James’ annual Kwanzaa karamu (potluck) celebration and candle lighting ceremony, held immediately following the 10:15am service. This family and community event is co-sponsored by the Union of Black Episcopalians – Myra McDaniel Chapter. Kwanzaa is a seven day African American and Pan-African holiday which celebrates family, community and culture, with a focus on seven guiding principles, known as the Nguzo Saba: Umoja: Unity, Kujichagulia: Self-Determination, Ujima: Collective Work and Responsibility, Ujamaa: Cooperative Economics, Nia: Purpose, Kuumba: Creativity, Imani: Faith.

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