1941 Webberville Rd., Austin, Texas 78721
(512) 926-6339

Nursery FAQ for Parents

Nursery Care F.A.Q.s


We are delighted to reopen the St. James’ nursery, which provides care for children during worship services and other scheduled events. Realizing that those 11 and younger are not able to be vaccinated at this time and that some Covid prevention measures are not realistic for our youngest children (such as never sharing toys or touching someone else), we have endeavored to create new nursery policies that meet CDC guidelines for childcare while still providing developmentally appropriate loving care to our children.


What has physically changed?

We have installed an air purifier to increase circulation and ventilation, increased the level of cleaning and disinfecting of the space and of toys, added additional handwashing procedures and respiratory etiquette and instituted new diapering procedures. A great group of staff and volunteers have repainted and deep cleaned the space and upgraded many of the fixtures and items.

Nursery caregivers are vaccinated, have been retrained and screen themselves for symptoms prior to their shift.  Masks are required for caregivers and children two and above. CDC policies for childcare are being used.


How are we managing the number of people in the space?

We are limiting the number of individuals in the nursery to a total of 8, which will give us a little more physical space between people.  Children will be separated into smaller groups within the nursery. 

The nursery is available on Sunday morning beginning at 10:15 for the 10:30 service for ages 0-3, and on Sunday evening at 4:45 for the 5pm service for ages 0-3. Children’s Christian Formation is available at both services for children ages 3-fifth grade, so we are reserving nursery space for our youngest members. The nursery is available on Wednesday evening beginning at 6:15 for children ages 0-fifth grade.

Parents will sign children in/out at the table outside the nursery rather than entering the nursery space.

The nursery will be reserved only for caregivers and children being cared for (while their parents are in the service or a formation group.) Parents who want to remain with their children but not sit in the pews will be encouraged to use the quiet play area in the sanctuary, or to watch the livestream in the narthex if their child needs a chance to wiggle outside of the service, rather than enter the nursery.

What has not changed?

Your child will still receive excellent, loving care while they are in the nursery. We can’t wait to see our sweet small children (and our sweet school age children on Wednesdays)!


How can parents help?

Parents can familiarize themselves with the new nursery policies, including expectations of parents and what to send/not send with your child. Find the policies here: Nursery Guidelines

If you have questions, please contact our Nursery Coordinator, Simone Barnes, at familyministry@stjamesaustin.org or at 512-360-3390.

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