1941 Webberville Rd., Austin, Texas 78721
(512) 926-6339

From our St. James’ Family: Thanks from Keith Braithwaite

Dear St. James’ Clergy, Staff and Amazing Congregation,

I would like to thank the St James’ family, for all of the love and support given to me and my family during this most devastating year.  The loss of Keith David was a shocking and unexpected event, but the latest and equally unexpected loss of Pat, is an unbearable loss on top of it.

The new normal for me and by extension my family will be extremely difficult.  I am so blessed to have amazing family and friends who have been so supportive.  It has been you, my St. James’ family, that has done so much to carry me this far in facing my new normal.  Your cards, phone calls, food donations, and lunches, and dinners have been amazing. I feel so blessed to be able to experience the amazing love and support that I have received from you, indeed I’m humbled.

How I (we) will manage moving forward is totally uncertain at this time. I know that without St. James’ life would have been infinitely more difficult and I look forward to your continued support for my family and me as we attempt to move forward.

Keith A Braithwaite