1941 Webberville Rd., Austin, Texas 78721
(512) 926-6339

News for the St. James’ Family

Don’t forget to set your clocks back before you go to bed on Halloween night. Daylight saving time ends November 1.

Bobby Taylor, Richelle Easley’s cousin passed away unexpectedly this week. Please keep the Taylor and Easley families in your prayers.  A note of condolence can be sent to Richelle Easley, 1001 Zodiac Lane #23 Round Rock, TX 78665.

Celebrating an anniversary or birthday?  Let us celebrate with you.  Drop us a note at office@stjamesaustin.org.

Ernesta Steele is seeking compassionate individuals for paid supplemental care and companionship for her mother, Mrs. Rucker. For more information, you can reach Ernesta at 512-466-4212 or ernesta.lynn@gmail.com.