1941 Webberville Rd., Austin, Texas 78721
(512) 926-6339

Fourth Sunday in Advent: Lighting the Way to Christmas

We continue our journey to Bethlehem, moving to the fourth Sunday in Advent on the church calendar. The date on the calendar is marked in blue, as is the color of the candle that we light today. Today, as we prepare for the Mystery of Christmas, we light The Magi Candle, remembering the wise people who came from the Far East.

The Magi are very wise, so wise that people often think they are magic. They know many things, especially things about the stars. They know where the stars will be in the sky. By knowing the alignment of the stars, they can tell people when to plan their crops, or when the tides will be safe to travel across an ocean, or when the weather will be mild enough to hike a mountain.

Suddenly a star appears that isn’t on any of their star maps. It is a wild star that moves across the sky in unexpected ways. They decide to follow this wild star to see where it will go, and to see what it will reveal.

They follow the star all the way to Bethlehem, which is a long journey away from where they started.

We are all on our way to Bethlehem, to follow a star to see where it leads us and what it will reveal.

We will arrive to Bethlehem, guided by The Prophets, with The Holy Family, The Shepherds, and The Magi to find that a child is born, the Christ Child, the newborn King of Kings.

 Suggested activities for this week:

  • Stargaze. Spend a few evenings noticing the location, color, and shape of the stars and the moon. Enjoy the beauty of the night sky.
  • Find the North Star and other constellations.
  • Explore interesting places to stargaze both near and far (For tips, see Texas State Parks & Wildlife or National Park Service, or Do512)
  • Keep a moon journal.
  • Purchase or find frankincense and myrrh resins to touch, see, and smell the gifts brought for the newborn King.
  • Make a list of the blessings you have received in the last year. Share the list with your family and friends.
  • Decorate a white candle and look forward to lighting it on Christmas. (Christ Candle)
  • Share your daily gratitude list with those around your Christmas tree.

Attend a Christmas Service. The Christmas Pageant held on Christmas Eve at 4 pm (youth and children are encouraged to wear a costume or borrow one at church); the evening Christmas service (bring a bell to ring); and the Christmas Day service in the morning. For a full calendar of activities and worship services visit our website at https://www.stjamesaustin.org.

Find ways to give to others. Some ideas:

  • Ask someone how they are doing and listen to the answer.
  • Pray for someone that you know who is sick or pain.
  • Have lunch or ice cream or a drink of water with someone who has traveled far.
  • Check on friends, family, or neighbors who live alone. Find ways to make them feel loved and part of a family–your family, the St James’ family, God’s family.
  • Reach out to someone who lost someone they love. Ask them to share a favorite memory.
  • Say hello to someone working during Advent and Christmas (pharmacy, hospitals, fire stations, public transit, and several other places that help meet our basic needs are open 365 days a year).

Take time each day to reflect on The Magi.

  • Why was it important to study the stars?
  • Where did the star lead The Magi?
  • Why are The Magi important figures in the Advent the story?
  • What could have happened if they chose not to go?
  • Where does the star lead you?
  • What have you been waiting for?
  • How long did it take The Magic to get to Bethlehem?
  • How long will it take you to find who or what you are looking for?
  • Did The Magi expect to find the Christ Child at the end of their journey?
  • What expected or unexpected joys or blessings have you found?

Advent Service to Follow at Home

Leader: Light and peace in Jesus Christ, our Lord.
All: Thanks be to God.

Opening Prayer
Beloved in Christ, in this season of Advent, let it be our care and delight to prepare ourselves to hear again the message of the angels, and in heart and mind to go even to Bethlehem, to see the babe lying in a manger. Amen.

Scripture Reading
In the time of King Herod, after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, asking, “Where is the child who has been born king of the Jews? For we observed his star at its rising, and have come to pay him homage.”
Matthew 2:1-2

Lord, help us to step out in faith and with openness to your will. Make us ready to greet you with peace-filled hearts. Amen.

Light four Advent candles (three blue candles and one rose candle).

Advent 4 wreathe

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