Sundays, September 29-October 139:10-10:00 am, Founders Hall
Our word “economy” comes from the Greek word for “household.” While we might think of an economy as a big system of banks and corporations and jobs and trade, in the original sense of the word, it referred to the way we care for each other in community.
When Jesus talks about the Kingdom of Heaven, he’s often talking about an alternative economy, one grounded in God’s love. In God’s economy, we enjoy rich fellowship at the same time as we provide for one another’s needs.
In our upcoming adult education series, Steven Tomlinson will be leading a tour of what the New Testament teaches us about God’s economy and how we can start practicing it here and now.

Dr. Steven Tomlinson, associate professor of leadership and administration at the Seminary of the Southwest, holds a PhD in economics from Stanford University. He coaches and consults with Wall Street, Fortune 500 and high-tech start-up executives and managers on leadership and communication strategy. He is a founding master teacher at the Acton School of Business for Entrepreneurship. He taught economics and finance at The University of Texas at Austin for 17 years, where he designed and directed the MBA professional development program. He is also an accomplished playwright and performer. His award-winning solo shows have been produced in Austin and off-Broadway.