Dear People of St. James’, I have been searching for words to write to you today, and it’s been a…
From the Rector’s Desk
Chapter 11 In this chapter, Bishop Curry does what Paul does in many of his letters. He is writing to…
Dear Friends, It is with a heavy heart that we inform you of the death of Anthony Duane McPherson, who…
Love is the Way: Chapters 9 & 10 Central Question: How do we make one out of many without obliterating…
Dear People of St. James’, We are watching hospitalizations fall in our area, and according to Austin Public Health, we…
Love is the Way: Chapters 7 and 8 Chapter 7: Leave No One Behind This is a long chapter and…
Dear People of St. James’, Our rhythm at St. James’ is a little different than the typical Episcopal Church because…
Chapter 5: Love’s Call – and Love’s Calling Lest we be intimidated by the conversation about the sacrificial nature of…