1941 Webberville Rd., Austin, Texas 78721
(512) 926-6339

Dear People of St. James’: Grief upon Grief

Dear People of St. James’, 

Good morning.  This morning I woke up and found this prayer on my lips:

This is another day, O Lord. I know not what it will bring forth, but make me ready, Lord, for whatever it may be. If I am to stand up, help me to stand bravely. If I am to sit still, help me to sit quietly. If I am to lie low, help me to do it patiently. And if I am to do nothing, let me do it gallantly. Make these words more than words, and give me the Spirit of Jesus. Amen. (BCP, 461).

It is a prayer for people experiencing the limitations of their humanity, a prayer for those who can’t fix the grief or put down the burdens they carry.  In other words, it is a prayer for all of us.

Yesterday, there was a great outpouring of love and sorrow upon the announcement of Keith David Braithwaite’s death.  The family knows that you are praying for them and that you grieve with them. Their refrigerator and freezer are about full to overflowing as of today, but we’ll do some more of that kind of support next week.  We are still in the very beginning stages of the process of memorial planning.

With all that said, I know that you might be needing to find some space for prayer and rumbling with your own grief and sadness.  There is something about the way we love each other as brothers and sisters in the St. James’ family that is so easy and obvious, and so present that we take it for granted when someone is with us.  It is only in the space of absence that we realize its true depth and power.  In those moments, Henri Nouwen would tell us, love becomes visible in pain.  This is a painful time, and you may need to find spaces to whisper your pain to God or to speak it in the hearing of others.  

Remember that there are daily opportunities to come as you are, carrying whatever you are carrying, to meet in prayer this week:

Tuesday, Evening Prayer at 8:30 pm: https://stjamesaustin.org/calendar/evening-prayer/
Wednesday, Prayer and Bible Study at 8 am: https://stjamesaustin.org/calendar/wednesday-morning-bible-study/
Thursday, Evening Prayer at 8:30 pm: https://stjamesaustin.org/calendar/evening-prayer/
Friday, Rosary at 7:00 am: https://stjamesaustin.org/calendar/rising-with-the-rosary/

We also had already planned a Lenten Quiet Day this Saturday focused on grief and grieving: https://stjamesaustin.org/calendar/lenten-quiet-day/

Because of Keith’s connectedness to our Children’s Ministries, we are making some space for parents to gather online. On Wednesday, March 3rd from 5:00-5:45, we will hold a special Evening Prayer for families with plenty of opportunity for sharing your own prayers, memories, intercessions, and thanksgivings for the life of Keith, his beautiful children, and his loving family. Simone Barnes, Ari Monts, and Rev. Eileen will be there, as well as Liz Powell, whose chaplaincy has given her a lot of experience approaching topics of death and grieving with children.  Email ari@stjamesaustin.org for the link. Liz will also be preaching at our outdoor Children’s Service this Sunday at 4 pm.

Ari Monts, our Children’s Minister, will hold some additional online office hours, Tuesday, 10:30-3, Wednesday, 2-5, and Friday from 10-3.  Additionally, clergy are available for prayer.  

Today is a day for tending wounds, and acknowledging the grief upon grief that we face together, bound by the only Love that can heal us.

Life is short, And we do not have much time to gladden the hearts of those who make the journey with us. So be swift to love, and make haste to be kind. And the blessing of God, who made us, who loves us, and who travels with us be with you now and forever. Amen.

Rev. Eileen