Dear People of St. James’, Last Sunday was a tremendous and spirit-filled celebration of the love of God in our…
The AISD administration is now conducting hearings as to which schools it might close. Of course, east Austin schools are most at risk.
Last fall, some members of St. James’ met with representatives of the Seminary of the Southwest with an eye to…
In each age the people have to struggle to hear the word of the Lord for their time. Come listen with EfM!
This Sunday at St. James’, we will celebrate Milestone Sunday, giving thanks for all of our graduates and those marking other transitions.
The next class starts in fall 2019. Enroll by July. Lay persons face the difficult and often subtle task of interpreting the richness of the church’s faith in a complex and confusing world.
The St. James’ community will celebrate the Feast of Thurgood Marshall on Sunday, May 19.
Cindy Kohler writes about the impact of the St. James’ women’s group, Phenomenal Women.
The history of St. James’ shows that this community flourishes when we are paying attention to this dance of heritage and diversity.
The St. James’ Community of Hope is a group of trained lay pastoral caregivers who minister to those in need of spiritual support.