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Become Reading Buddy for an Elementary School Student

Reading Buddies volunteers are needed for Norman-Sims and Pecan Springs Elementary Schools!

If you have 30 minutes each week during the school day (8 am – 3 pm), you can help elementary students learn to love reading. Volunteers will be paired with a “Reading Buddy” with whom they will read once per week throughout the school year.

Reading PartnersThe requirements are as follows: ability to read in English and/or Spanish, committing to at least 30 minutes per week from October through early May, passing a background check, completing a training session (either on August 27, 6-8 pm at St. James’ Episcopal Church, or on September 7, 8:30-10:30 am at Metropolitan Community Church, or online), and attending a 1-hour on-campus orientation, date TBD, in September.

Please visit education-connection.org/, email Emily at edonahue@post.harvard.edu, or talk to volunteers in the narthex after services at St. James’ Episcopal Church on Sunday, August 18, to sign up or get more information.

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