From Eric Kennedy, Executive Director of Welcome Table
This is a critical week for Welcome Table. We started both Neighbor 2 Neighbor packaging/delivery and Freedom School Training for the Student Leader Interns.
Over the last two days, we packed approximately 10,000 pounds of groceries (non-perishables and produce) for 400 deliveries to seniors in need. Thanks to staff and many volunteers including St. James’ parishioners, SSW seminarians, neighborhood volunteers, Good Apple staff and Capital Metro drivers. On Friday, Ana Drepaul and Emily Donahue will head up diaper delivery to families in need.
The Freedom School Training for the Student Leader Interns started Monday, and will last for two weeks. Our staff, led by Mila Jackson, Pamela LeDay, and Bill Earley are providing the training for our interns. So far, they’ve had classes in Zoom, STEM, Harambee, Google Classroom, Classroom Management, IRC and Class Dojo. They will be taking a Mental Health First Aid class tomorrow and next week their classes will cover the Integrated Reading Curriculum (IRC) and will be taught by the Children’s Defense Fund (CDF) staff.
Thanks for everyone’s support. If you would like to volunteer for Neighbor 2 Neighbor, get in touch with Emily Donahue,