1941 Webberville Rd., Austin, Texas 78721
(512) 926-6339

The 2023 Annual Parish Meeting

Annual Parish Meeting Agenda
January 29, 2023
12-1 pm, in the Sanctuary


Opening Prayer (The Rev. Eileen O’Brien, Rector)

Call to order and adoption of the agenda (Rudy Green, Senior Warden)

Election of the Slate for Vestry and Diocesan Council
Motion: To approve the Slate for Vestry and Diocesan Council.

Rector’s Remarks & Celebration of Deacon Kyra Kerr-Fitzgerald (Rev. Eileen)

2022 Financial Report and 2023 Budget Presentation (Alondra Johnson, VFC Chair, and Will Clark, Treasurer)
Motion: To approve the 2023 Budget.


Senior Warden’s Report (Rudy Green, Senior Warden)

Junior Warden’s Report (Teresa Chang, Junior Warden)

Proyecto Santiago Report (The Rev. Jim Harrington, Missioner)

Welcome Table Update (Lizzie Cain-Clark, Executive Director)


Adjourn with commissioning prayer.