Welcome to St. James’ Episcopal Church, Austin
St. James’ embodies Christ’s love wherever we are by welcoming all to the table for spiritual nourishment to share with the world. We are an inclusive, multicultural, and affirming community.
A word of welcome from
The Rev. Eileen O’Brien, Rector
Our Work in the World
God calls us to be faithful stewards of our time, talent, and resources. We go forth into the world, rejoicing in the power of the Spirit.
We are grateful to host and partner with many community organizations that serve our neighbors and greater East Austin community.
8:00 am. Rite I Eucharist
10:30 am Rite II Eucharist (Livestream)
1:00 pm Misa en español (Livestream)
5:00 pm The Late Service (Livestream)
8:00 am Morning Prayer and Bible Study (Zoom)
7:00 am Rosary Group (Zoom)
Worship Online
Whether you live in Austin or beyond, St. James’ invites you to connect with us for online worship. We come together from our homes to worship in several different formats, in English and Spanish.
Iglesia de Santiago
La Iglesia Episcopal de Santiago eleva la voz de la comunidad de habla hispana en oración y alabanza, pero también a través de la formación de una comunidad que aboga por las necesidades del inmigrante y el refugiado.
Upcoming Events
The vibrant community of St. James’ hosts a variety of events and gatherings. Everyone is welcome. If you are new or curious about St. James’, join us at one of these events to get to know us better. View our full calendar.
via ZoomWelcome Table Finance and Funding Committee
Welcome Table is a source of community for neighbors creating abundance together in East Austin. We honor each other by... ...
via ZoomRising with the Rosary
This prayer group prays the Anglican Rosary with the Rev. Eileen O’Brien on Friday mornings. The prayers may vary by... ...
Neighbor 2 Neighbor Truck Unloading
Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Neighbor 2 Neighbor. We prepare and share bags of food (pantry staples... ...
1941 Webberville Rd. Austin, TX 78721Holy Eucharist (Rite I)
This small, Rite I Eucharistic Service offers a quiet space from reflection at the start of the day. This service... ...
Founders' Hall / Hybrid
St James' Episcopal Church, Austin TXSunday Morning Forum
Welcome to the Sunday Morning Forum! This semester, we will meet a new theologian each week. Facilitators will introduce us... ...
1941 Webberville Rd. Austin, TX 78721Holy Eucharist (Rite II)
At St. James’, we gather each Sunday for joyful worship that empowers us to share each other’s burdens and make... ...
1941 Webberville Rd. Austin, TX 78721La Santa Eucaristia
Vamos a celebrar la misa y comunión a las 1 de la tarde. Si quiere asistir a la misa y... ...
St. David's Episcopal Church
301 E 8th St, Austin, TX 78701Volunteer at Trinity Center
Serve those facing food and housing insecurity with us. We gather at the Trinity Center at St. David’s Episcopal Church... ...
The Late Service
At St. James’, we gather each Sunday at 5 pm for joyful worship that empowers us to share each other’s... ...
Intercessory Prayer Group
The intercessory prayer group will be praying the Compline service below on the Mondays to follow, and we want to... ...
Founders' Hall / Hybrid
St James' Episcopal Church, Austin TXWednesday Bible Study
Join us on Wednesday mornings at 8 am for prayer and Bible study. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87802681617?pwd=KaMfiqhaa3DJR1aTCADN72DgJzFGYJ.1 Meeting ID: 878... ...
Founders Hall
1941 Webberville Rd. Austin, TX 78721The St. James’ Lenten Series
Join us on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3954805638?pwd=d2p1cUUzb2pEWm01N3lpRGdtdlRLQT09 ...
via ZoomWelcome Table Board Meeting
Welcome Table is a source of community for neighbors creating abundance together in East Austin. We honor each other by... ...
via ZoomRising with the Rosary
This prayer group prays the Anglican Rosary with the Rev. Eileen O’Brien on Friday mornings. The prayers may vary by... ...
Neighbor 2 Neighbor Truck Unloading
Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Neighbor 2 Neighbor. We prepare and share bags of food (pantry staples... ...
1941 Webberville Rd. Austin, TX 78721Holy Eucharist (Rite I)
This small, Rite I Eucharistic Service offers a quiet space from reflection at the start of the day. This service... ...
Recent News

Dear People of St. James’, Lent has begun. I love Lent! Give me a season of repentance that picks me…

Dear People of St. James’, This Sunday, March 9, between the 12 and 1 pm services, we will host the…

Mark your calendars for Lent and Holy Week at St. James’ Episcopal Church, and make the journey with us each…

This year’s Wednesday night Lenten Series will help you make a journey through Lent and Holy Week into Easter. Each…

Amplify Austin is coming up soon: 6pm, March 5 through 6pm March 6, 2025! Can you join us in supporting…

At St. James’, we seek to honor our heritage and Black history all year round, but we do some special…