1941 Webberville Rd., Austin, Texas 78721
(512) 926-6339

Welcome Table End of Year Appeal

Dear Friends of Welcome Table:

When you or a family member learns of a loved one who is impacted by illness or job
loss, chances are that you reach out to comfort, care for, and perhaps pray for them. In
troubling times, we rely on our family, friends, and community to help us navigate
tragedies and find peace during storms of all natures.

COVID-19 presents a storm of proportions that no living generation has experienced. For
those who have faced illness or calamities such as job loss, food and housing insecurity
or insufficient schooling, a focus on wellness and wholeness is more important than ever.

Welcome Table offers nutrition, wellness and education to children, families and elderly
neighbors in East Austin communities. At a time when we are all experiencing the
pandemic, generosity – always available at the Welcome Table – has brought people of
many races, faiths and political views together. Indeed, the generosity of our neighbors
has transformed Welcome Table to serve a greater number of people than ever before.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, generosity has fueled our Neighbor 2 Neighbor
program. Our volunteers have contributed more than 2500 hours of their time to make
possible the delivery of more than 250,000 pounds of groceries and basic living supplies
to our community.

Just as the impact of COVID-19 began to unfurl last spring, our CDF Freedom Schools®
– Austin team transformed the in-person summer program into a lively online experience.
The generous time and energy of our staff and volunteers ensured that 40 elementary
school-aged scholars were engaged with potent science and reading instruction. Among
many successes, our scholars read 35 books, completed 18 STEM projects, and finished
the program with a 95% completion rate, the highest in the history of our local program.
Enclosed you’ll find an infographic that highlights the achievements noted above and
acknowledges the donors whose generous support made it possible.

Thank you for supporting Welcome Table with your time, talent and treasure. If you have
not done so already, we ask you to consider making a gift by December 31 to help
Welcome Table continue offering its services in 2021. Visit us at www.welcometableaustin.org and click, “Donate.”

On behalf of the Welcome Table Board of Directors, I thank you and offer best wishes for
a hopeful and healthy holiday season.

Angela Hall Watkins
President, Board of Directors

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