1941 Webberville Rd., Austin, Texas 78721
(512) 926-6339

Vestry Finance Committee Quarterly Report

Here is the Vestry Finance Committee’s first quarter 2020 report.

Meet Micah Barber, VFC chair and vestry member, Alondra Johnson, VFC member and vestry member, and Lisa Peavy, VFC member at large.

The Finance Committee is committed to providing you with quarterly reports.  Here is the report on the first quarter for St. James, as well as some important information looking forward.

First, the great news. People have paid ahead on their pledges, meaning we have received 34% more in pledge money than we have budgeted for the first quarter of the year.

Our other income, like operating contributions (which is money that is not pledged) and loose plate (which is unnamed cash in the offering plate) is down a bit. Some of this is likely related to not being able to attend church in person.

We’ve also been able to begin decreasing some of our expenses, and are adjusting our budget to reflect the changing ways we are connecting with each other during this time.

You can see that overall, our total income is tracking 14% ahead for the quarter, and our total expenses are tracking at – 4%, meaning we are ahead on the year.

That said, this is obviously a very unique time for our church, and we anticipate increased challenges ahead. Here are some things you can do.

It is a great time to stay current with your pledge to St. James. Paying toward your pledge will help us determine what the year and outlook will continue to look like.

But we also know that there may be additional financial strain and concern for many in our church family.

If you are having trouble paying your pledge and think you will need to adjust it, just let us know. It’s very helpful for us to have that information.

If you are looking for how to give, please remember that we have an online giving option. Just go to stjamesaustin.org and click “Give” along the top of the screen.

You can:

Click the “Make a Gift” button to pay via credit card, debit card, or paypal.

You can mail a check to St. James Episcopal Church, 1941 Webberville, Austin, TX 78721. You can set up automated payments through your bank by using that same address

And if you have any questions you can contact Parish Administrator Aimee Estep at 512-926-6339.

Lastly, please know that the VFC, the vestry, and our rector Rev. Eileen are actively preparing for the potential challenges ahead of us. We will keep you updated.

Many continued thanks to Rev. Eileen, Aimee Estep, our Treasurer Will Clark, Bookkeeper Allyson Hallmark, the VFC and vestry members, and all of you who are part of this incredible community.

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