The Vestry Nominations Committee (Rudy Green, Teresa Chang, Simone Talma Flowers, and Alondra Johnson) is pleased to submit the following slate for Vestry and the St. James’ Diocesan Council Delegation. The Spirit has been at work in this process, leading us to identify four candidates for vestry, four delegates for Council, and one alternate for council, who are uniquely gifted for the work and enthusiastic to serve. This slate, in its entirety, will be up for a vote at the Annual Parish Meeting on January 29.
In developing this Vestry slate, the Vestry Nominations Committee took a careful look at our three-year goals and sought out individuals with the passion, experience, and skills needed to help us realize those goals. We are delighted to present you with a slate of proven leaders, committed to the St. James’ ethos of radical hospitality and representative of various diversities of our congregation. Vestries always work and listen hard, and they frequently have to make difficult decisions for the life of the congregation. The nominees on this slate offer their names without reticence, but with a clear-eyed view of challenges we must tackle in our multicultural community’s life together.
The congregation willing, the members of this vestry slate will join the following continuing Vestry members: Martin Jolivet, Suzy Stege, Jim Crosby, Clint Dawson, Simone Talma Flowers, John May, and Margaret Shaw. We are grateful to Rudy Green, Teresa Chang, Alondra Johnson, and Craig Watkins, who will roll off of the Vestry as of the Annual Parish Meeting. I should say that Rudy, Teresa, Alondra, and Craig were the Vestry class who came on board shortly before the start of the pandemic. They have been wise and creative advisors and hard workers in a time that required that we adapt over and over again to new needs and different ways of being church together. We have faced some serious challenges together, paid off about $1 million in debt, and kept laughing and rejoicing together even in the Zoom squares.
In developing the Diocesan Council slate, the Vestry Nominations Committee thought about what will be going on at Diocesan Council 2023 and who needs to be there representing St. James’ in order for our delegation to be an effective voice and presence, alongside our clergy. This Diocesan Council slate combines Council experience with fresh eyes ready for the task.
Vestry Slate
Each year four new Vestry members are elected to serve for a three-year term.
Harrison Eppright
Harrison Eppright is a devoted 48 year member of St. James’. Born and raised on Austin’s east side, he has deep roots in the community and a deep interest in its history. Professionally, he serves as Manager of Visitor Services and Tour Ambassador at Visit Austin. You may have also spotted his work on numerous radio/television interviews, or as host for the KLRU Austin PBS program “Juneteenth Jamboree.” He has served as a board member of Austin Gay Men’s Chorus and as a board advisor for the Neill-Cochran House Museum. At St. James’, Harrison served on two-terms on the Bishop’s Committee, before St. James’ became a parish. These days you might see him at the 10:30 am up in the choir loft, up at the ambo offering the readings or prayers, or swinging a thurible of incense on special occasions. He is one of the keepers of our history as a congregation.
Theresa Garcia
Jill LaCour
Jill Bredthauer LaCour is a retired music educator who was first drawn to St. James’ by the Jazz Mass. Moved by the music, she began attending the evening service where she was welcomed and encouraged to sing with the choir. Jill is a longstanding member of the Myra McDaniel Chapter of the Union of Black Episcopalians, serves on the One Human Race Executive Committee and the Altar Guild, and volunteers with Neighbor to Neighbor as well as other community organizations.
Chris Prindle
Chris Prindle joined the St. James’ community in 2020 amidst a move from Colorado during the pandemic. She is in awe of the wisdom and kindness of the members of the St. James’ family and cherishes being welcomed at the St. James’ table. Chris has been working as an educator and advocate for neurodiverse learners in the K-12 setting for the past decade and is the director of the Free Bird Literacy & Learning Center in Austin. Chris and her husband Jon are new parents and are enjoying getting to know their one-year-old son, Theodore.
Diocesan Council Slate
Delegates to Diocesan Council commit to attending the entirety of the Council meeting in 2023 and being a part of the preparation for the work of Council. Lay delegates are accompanied by our St. James’ clergy delegates: The Rev. Eileen O’Brien, The Rev. Jim Harrington, and The Rev. Robby Vickery.
Delegates to Diocesan Council

Renette Bledsoe and her husband Horace have been members of St. James’ Episcopal Church for more than 30 years. She has been involved in numerous ministries, including two terms on Vestry, Sr. Warden, a Greeter, Lay Eucharistic Minister, Lay Eucharistic Visitor, Stewardship Committee, a member of the St. James’ Mission Team to the border, a member of the Mission Team to Houston after Hurricane Harvey, Reading Buddy at Norman, a Neighbor 2 Neighbor volunteer, and part of the virtual choir during the pandemic. She is trained through One Human Race and Cursillo. Renette retired from Austin ISD in 2008 after serving as Principal at Paredes Middle School. She enjoys spending time with her family, friends, decorating, fishing, movies, and preparing delicious meals for others.
Gina Houston
Gina Houston is a cradle St. Jamesian, as far as we know, the last child born while the church was at its original location on East 7th Street. She has served the congregation in the choir, on Vestry, as Campus Minister to Huston-Tillotson University, as Church Treasurer, as producer of the Good Friday Project, as MC for Jazz at St. James’, and as a guest preacher. Gina has served as volunteer at two General Conventions. Whenever she can, Gina finds time and reason to be onstage. She would be honored to represent St. James’ at Diocesan Council.
Mathilde Hyams-Flores
Mathilde Hyams-Flores was born in Natchitoches, Louisiana. She moved to Austin, TX in 1977 and later graduated from the University of Texas with a Master’s Degree in Social Work in 5/79. After graduation, she moved to Antigua, Guatemala, where she lived for 7 months and continued her journey toward becoming fluent is Spanish. Mathilde is currently retired but worked more than 40 years in social work, most recently in Medicaid at the Department of Texas Health and Human Services. Her work experience includes management of housing, case management, and food pantry services for those with HIV, and medical social work in hospitals and clinics, and hospice care. Mathilde became an Episcopalian in 2002
when she joined St. James’ Episcopal Church in Austin, TX. She currently serves in the 1:00 service
choir and on the Altar Guild. Mathilde is very active with the Spanish-speaking participants of the
congregation through Proyecto Santiago.
Rhona Williams London

Roger Williams, and his wife Norma, joined St. James’ when Bill Miller was rector, and their children Joseph and Rachel were baptized at St. James’ on MLK. Roger has served St. James on the Vestry, the Finance Committee, and the Children’s Ministry, is a Lector at the 10:15 and 5:30 services, and has represented St. James’ at three previous Diocesan Councils. Roger was confirmed at Good Shepherd Episcopal Church and attended St. Andrews and St. Stephen’s Episcopal Schools. He is an intellectual property lawyer in private practice in Austin., and his wife Norma, joined St. James’ when Bill Miller was rector, and their children Joseph and Rachel were baptized at St. James’ on MLK. Roger has served St. James on the Vestry, the Finance Committee, and the Children’s Ministry, is a Lector at the 10:15 and 5:30 services, and has represented St. James’ at three previous Diocesan Councils. Roger was confirmed at Good Shepherd Episcopal Church and attended St. Andrews and St. Stephen’s Episcopal Schools. He is an intellectual property lawyer in private practice in Austin.