1941 Webberville Rd., Austin, Texas 78721
(512) 926-6339

Share your talents with us.

We can’t let St. James’ Day (July 26)  go by without some big fun, so get ready for the Virtual Talent Show and Bingo Fest! We will be gathering virtually to check out some cool talents from our St. James’ family, to play bingo (with prizes) and do a little singalong. So, we need your talents. Can you sing, recite a poem, do magic tricks, act something out, show us how to make a refreshing summer cocktail? ALL talents welcome- maybe you mime, tell jokes, do Tik Tok dances, contort your body into weird shapes, or dress your dog as the Fresh Prince of Bel Air. If so, send a video (2 minutes or less) to office@stjamesaustin.org by July 22.

Questions? Contact office@stjamesaustin.org.