1941 Webberville Rd., Austin, Texas 78721
(512) 926-6339

Saturday, September 14: A Celebration of New Ministry

Dear People of St. James’,

On Saturday, September 14, at 4 pm, a Celebration of New Ministry or Installation of a Rector will be happening at St. James’! God willing, the people of St. James’, clergy from the Austin area, special guests from Houston, and our new Bishop Suffragan Kai Ryan will be on hand to mark this new phase in our ministry together.

So, what happens in a Celebration of New Ministry?

First, the extended family of St. James’ gathers. There are a lot of people out there who love St. James’ for all kinds of reasons, and everyone is invited to the party. Local clergy, Episcopal and otherwise, will suit up for the procession. Guests who have accompanied me on my journey in ministry will come in from various and sundry parts of the diocese: Houston, Waco, and maybe even Galveston. Connor’s parents will be there from Tyler. It will be a great cloud of witnesses.

The service starts with “the institution”. This is the moment where the Search Committee and Vestry stand before the bishop and say, “We choose this person as our Rector.” The Rector then affirms that she accepts this responsibility, even though she doesn’t quite know all that will entail yet. The bishop blesses this mutual covenant to walk in ministry together. And then we pray for the mission of the Church, that strange community that covenants to walk in faith together, unified and strengthened for we-know-not-what by the Holy Spirit, and led by Jesus who gets out ahead of us and shows us the way.

The next movement in the service is listening to the Word together. I have asked The Rev. Canon Simón Bautista Betances, Missioner for Latino Ministries for Christ Church Cathedral, to preach. Not only is Padre Simón a captivating preacher in English or in Spanish, he has become a trusted friend and mentor, who never fails to challenge me to live into God’s call.

After the sermon, the “induction” is this peculiar part of the service when various representatives of different ministries present “gifts” to the new Rector. Despite appearances, this is actually not a “come, give me presents” ritual like you might have at a quinceñeara or a child’s birthday party. Each gift is a symbol of the ministry we share and an invitation to grow in that ministry together. This portion of the service has been designed based on the priorities discerned through the work of our Vestry and through the rounds of welcome dinners and lunches and coffees with you. Behind the representatives who present these symbols stand many other members of the extended family of St. James’ who long to see these ministries flourish and grow. These gifts, which are actually invitations into ministry, will be blessed by the bishop, who will then invite us to the altar to that space where we offer our simple gifts of bread and wine, praise and thanksgiving, and receive the abundant gift of God’s presence.

Come join us for this peculiar party as we celebrate newness of ministry together!

Rev. Eileen

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