1941 Webberville Rd., Austin, Texas 78721
(512) 926-6339

Jazz at St. James’ is here!

Dear People of St. James’,

Thank you for joining us for our 27th Annual Jazz at St. James’!  Each year, this Feast of Holy Improvisation seeks to honor the roots of this community, while adding something new – a new song we have never heard before, in a sense.

This year we continue that tradition of looking back and creating a new song to sing as we move into an uncertain future.  It is a particular honor to welcome you to Jazz at St. James’ as we honor the lives and legacies of two Austin jazz greats, Scott Laningham and Rich Harney.  Their gifts for music and their spiritual generosity blessed our community and filled us with new song.  They were mentors and friends to so many, and in remembering them this weekend, their presence will be both missed and felt.  That’s how love grieved goes, and I think there is no better genre to bring us through it than jazz.

I want to take a moment to thank all who have worked so hard to bring this all together, especially our Jazz Co-Chairs, Joe Morales and Terry Dawson.  John Somers-Morales has worked hard to design and fine tune our sound experience both in-the-house and on the live stream.  Many musicians have risen to the occasion to pay homage to their colleagues and friends, and we thank them for making Scott and Rich present for us through their music.  A big thank you also to our St. James’ choirs, headed up by Martha Pulkingham, HouFei Yang, and Sharon Coleman.  And to all our volunteers, Gail and Rodney Wormley, Brian and Vicky Miller, Mark Mitchell, and Melody Fullylove, and all who have worked tirelessly to create hospitable spaces to enjoy in person and online, thank you!

Jazz at St. James’ would not be possible without you participating in it, and so we thank you for your presence, whether it is online or in person. If you use social media, you can help St. James’ spread the good news this weekend by sharing the links to our live stream of any of the concerts or the Jazz Mass.  The hashtag for our event is #JASJ2021.

Let us celebrate the feast!

Rev. Eileen

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