October 14, 2019, Indigenous Peoples’ Day, is a day for us to celebrate the cultures of, to honor the profound contributions and sacrifices of, and, to commemorate the full and complex histories and current experiences of Native Americans, Alaska Natives, and all who are indigenous to the Americas.
On this day, and every day, we can choose to respect and to learn from indigenous peoples, and to support the continued struggles for social justice and religious freedom in the United States.
Let us pray:
O Great Spirit, God of every people and every tribe,
we come to you as your many children,
to ask for your forgiveness and guidance.
Forgive us for the colonialism that stains our past,
the ignorance that allowed us to think
that we could claim another’s home for our own.
Heal us of this history.
Remind us that none of us were discovered
since none of us were lost,
but that we are all gathered within the sacred circle of your community.
Guide us through your wisdom to restore the truth of our heritage.
Help us to confront the racism that divides us
as we confess the pain it has caused to the human family.
Call us to kinship.
Mend the hoop of our hearts
and let us live in justice and peace,
through Jesus Christ, the One who came
that all people might live in dignity.
(from the Episcopal Church: Resources on the Doctrine of Discovery)
Check out this resource for environmental justice with indigenous peoples.
Image: Indian Jesus | acrylic on canvas | 36”x48” | 2019 by Bunky Echo-Hawk (Pawnee).
Shared with express permission from the artist.