1941 Webberville Rd., Austin, Texas 78721
(512) 926-6339

From the Rector’s Desk: Thanks and Praise

Dear People of St. James’,

Last Sunday was a tremendous and spirit-filled celebration of the love of God in our midst and with us. Someone remarked to me that it was as though Pentecost had come a week early! I suspect though, that the Holy Spirit has saved some of its fire and transforming energy for this Sunday.

I continue to be grateful to the Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and to his staff for making time to celebrate with us even though they had to get home after a long ordination weekend. How good it is that now-Bishop Kai Ryan suggested that he stop by here to be with the friends and family of St. James’.

During his visit, the Presiding Bishop and I spoke about the bold and exciting work that St. James’ is doing in collaboration with other congregations and the Seminary of the Southwest to make seminary education financially feasible for lower income seminarians of color. You will remember that at the eucharist he announced that he would designate the collected offering for the Pauli Murray Scholarship Fund. The grand total received for the fund on Sunday was $2658.30. The Presiding Bishop was delighted to make this offering, and he encouraged us to continue to work with our bishops and surrounding congregations to make this dream a reality.

Many thanks to everyone who showed up, who brought guests, who made preparations behind the scenes, who lifted their voices in prayer and song, and who made our worship come alive through music. The Spirit was very present, and everyone felt it! I have received countless emails expressing gratitude for a hope-restoring, life-giving Eucharist, and I have been telling people it was just St. James’ being St. James’. How good that is! Let us hold on to our joy in worship, our delight in being together because we care, and our hope in the God who is making this world new. Not every Sunday will be like last Sunday, but may we be St. James’ every Sunday, and indeed every day we carry that Spirit into the world with us.

If you brought guests with you last week, we hope that you will follow up with them. It’s easy to invite people to an event like this or Jazz at St. James’ and not think to invite them into other aspects of St. James’ life. They responded to your invitation seeking something; maybe they can find more of that something here.

I look forward to being with you this Sunday, the Day of Pentecost, as we celebrate the coming of that unpredictable, life-giving Holy Spirit. May it draw make us a new community and draw us together in love!

Rev. Eileen

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