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From the Rector’s Desk: Stewardship Update and Christmas Appeal

Dear People of St. James’,

Many have been asking for an update on the 2020 Stewardship Campaign, so, here it is. As of December 10, we had received 160 pledges for 2020, totaling $519,762. By comparison, for 2019, we received 120 pledges totaling $424,447. The Vestry and I are tremendously grateful for this outpouring of generous intent on the part of the St. James’ community, and, if you have not yet pledged, you still have time and good reasons to do so!

For 2020, we will be presenting a balanced, growth budget that plants seeds for future flourishing for a wide variety of ministries and the congregation as a whole. We have strategically restored funding to ministries whose budgets were cut to bare bones during times of financial scarcity, and we are making new investments in the areas of Children’s and Youth Ministries with the help of a 3-year Strategic Mission Grant. As a result, we will be able to bring Simone Barnes, Director of Family Ministries, from part-time to full-time, beginning on January 1, and we will be able to pursue our vision for walking with the families of Norman-Sims and Pecan Springs Elementary in new ways.

I want to stress that this is part of a multi-year build of a budget that will help us increase the spiritual health of our community by decreasing volunteer burnout and equipping ministries to plan for the future. Our most urgent next step is to make a $36,000 jump in administrative hours in the church office in order to support the growth of the community. If we can take that step sooner rather than later, we will be better able to consolidate the gains envisioned by the proposed 2020 budget.

As we move towards closing the books on 2019, it looks like we are sliding in close to the wire. In some sense, this is normal. Most churches depend on an end-of-year outpouring of generosity and people making sure that they meet their pledge commitments to the best of their abilities. If you aren’t quite sure about how you are doing on your 2019 pledge, you can always check in confidentially with Aimee Estep in the church office. If St. James’ has been a meaningful part of your spiritual journey this year, I would ask that you prayerfully consider helping us to close the gap and start 2020 strong by making an end-of-year offering.

Thank you, people of St. James’ for your incredible generosity in time, talent, and treasure! This year the Vestry Finance Committee barely needed chocolate for our budget conversations, and ministries that make a difference have been blessed by new commitment and energy. We are in a pivotal time in the life of our congregation, but we have come this far by faith, by trusting in God and in each other. In this season, as we contemplate the mystery of the incarnation, God dwelling among us, may continue to embody Christ’s love by setting tables of welcome and spiritual nourishment wherever we may be.

Rev. Eileen

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