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From the Rector’s Desk: In Case You Were Wondering

Stewardship – Frequently Asked Questions

On September 29, we kicked off our Season of Stewardship and began conversations about the nature of God’s economy and how we participate in God’s economy through our eucharistic life at St. James’.

What is a pledge?

A pledge is an expression of a prayerfully-considered intention to give to St. James’ from your material resources for the work of the church’s mission in the coming year (January – December 2020).

Why is it important to pledge?

Timely pledges are essential to our budget process, because they let us know what kind of season we are in. This year, the staff, in consultation with leaders of the ministries of the church, has developed a mission-based draft budget, designed to fund growth priorities in the areas of Christian formation and outreach. In November, the Vestry Finance Committee will work with the mission-based draft budget and projections based on pledges collected and information about other types of past giving to develop our 2020 Draft Budget.

If I pledge and something unexpected happens in my life, can I adjust my pledge?

Of course! We understand that unexpected things can happen, and we will guard your confidentiality. You can adjust your pledge up or down at any time over the course of the year by contacting Aimee Estep, Parish Administrator, or The Rev. Eileen O’Brien, Rector.

Can children and youth pledge?

Yes! It is wonderful when families use the season of stewardship as an opportunity to talk together about how all we have is gift and how we give to others. We encourage youth to fill out their own pledge card, and a child-friendly pledge card (one side for readers, one side for non-readers) will be available as of Sunday, October 13.

Is pledging just about money? What about time and talent?

On your pledge card, there is a way to indicate that you would like to offer your talents and capacity for relationship in some new ways in order to care for the St. James’ community. Check that box, and we will follow up with you. In 2020, we will continue to focus on building teams around leaders in the areas of worship, formation of all ages, communications, and outreach in order to make our ministries more vibrant and sustainable. There is a place for you to grow here.

Where can I get a pledge card?

Pledge cards will be mailed to you if your address is correct in our database. Need to make a change to your contact information? Email office@stjamesaustin.org). You can also access the online pledge card at any time or pick one up at the welcome table in the Narthex.

Who can I contact if I have questions about pledging?

Angela Watkins, Stewardship Co-Chair

Email: angela@ahwatkins.com

The Rev. Eileen O’Brien, Stewardship Co-Chair

Email: rector@stjamesaustin.org

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