1941 Webberville Rd., Austin, Texas 78721
(512) 926-6339

Coronavirus Update, 3/12/20

Dear People of St. James’,

We are continuing to pay close attention to local and national updates on the coronavirus and to instructions from the diocesan offices as we do contingency planning. In addition to the steps I noted in my February 24 and March 5/6 Updates on this subject, we are taking steps in the following areas:

In Worship

  1. The Common Cup: I feel that it is important to continue the ministry of lay eucharistic ministers at the altar. We make eucharist together, and it is important to stand, lay and ordained, at the altar in the leadership of prayers. You will still be presented with the cup at the altar, I would like to invite you to listen and hear the words, “The blood of Christ, the cup of salvation,” and respond with a sign of acknowledgement – a small bow, an “Amen,” a gesture of the sign of the cross over the cup. There will be no intinction (dipping the bread in the cup) or drinking from the cup.
  2. We are using wafers at all services, including the 5:30 pm, to reduce risk.
  3. The Altar Guild is sanitizing the altar rails and other common surfaces before and after services, but you may choose to receive communion standing.
  4. If, out of caution, you feel like attending a smaller service (with more space to spread out), the 8 am and 5:30 pm are good options. If you have many risk factors and decide to stay home, or you become ill, please don’t just disappear! Let me know (rector@stjamesaustin.org or 202-716-9055), and we will set up ways to keep in touch and hold you in prayer.
  5. Ushers will no longer pass the plates during the offertory. Instead we will have the plates set out near the entrance for the Sunday collection.
  6. We will continue to greet each other at the Peace, maintaining a bit of distance and refraining from touching – a verbal greeting, a small bow.

Event Cancellations

  1. It is with heavy hearts that we are cancelling our Neighbor 2 Neighbor Know Your Neighbor Day at Heritage Pointe this Saturday, March 14.
  2. We also feel that, out of an abundance of caution, it is necessary to cancel this year’s Lenten Tea, scheduled for March 22. However, the Lenten Tea Team is working on some surprises to brighten your Laetare Sunday!


  1. We have accelerated our work to publish a new St. James’ website with greater video and audio capabilities. Expect the look of our website to change by March 16.
  2. There is a button on the homepage of the website (current & future) where you can find the most recent Coronavirus-related update.
  3. I have resent a Parish Census link to those who have not yet filled it out for themselves so that we can be sure that we have up-to-date contact information. We would like to be able to get in touch with you.
  4. We are setting ourselves up to be able to video and possibly stream services, Godly Play lessons for you to do with your children, etc.


  1. The Welcome Table Executive Committee is surveying other similar organizations and thinking about strategies to continue to serve vulnerable people.
  2. Our outreach ministries are revising their sanitary practices and paying close attention to the city’s instructions.
  3. Reading Buddies has been suspended for the time being.

Stay tuned. May God quicken the spirit within you to prayer for the suffering and the vulnerable, and may you be surprised by joy even in the midst of uncertainty and challenge in the coming days.

Rev. Eileen

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