1941 Webberville Rd., Austin, Texas 78721
(512) 926-6339

Children’s Ministries

We serve God by assisting in the formation of Christians from birth through age twelve using hands-on, child-centered programs nestled in a diverse, loving, and Episcopal community.


SUNDAYS at 10:30 a.m. Orange Building
story read-aloud + related crafts
Children gather to listen to excellent children’s books with spiritual themes and then creatively reflect on the story. Afterwards, Godly Play volunteers lead children to St. James’ sanctuary to rejoin their families for communion.

At least once a month, we’ll meet up at a local park for St. James’ family fellowship. Details in the weekly e-newsletter.


On Sundays at 10:30a.m. we offer Godly Play for children ages 3 to 12 years old. We believe that all children already have a sense of God’s presence. Godly Play helps them recognize and express this sense so that they can explore and deepen their spirituality. The Godly Play approach teaches children Christian language in a hands-on, developmentally appropriate, contemplative way.

Additionally, we offer outdoor (weather permitting) family coffee hours  so children can play, parents and guardians can connect, and exciting news can be shared. We also offer communion workshops geared towards young children and their parents/guardians.


Please share basic information so that we can stay connected.  Information like birthdates (including year), allergies, medical consent, media release, etc. enable St. James’ staff to better nurture your children and honor your parental preferences.

For more information about Children’s Ministries, contact office@stjamesaustin.org.


We require volunteers who work with our children and youth to go through a screening process that includes an application form, reference checks, and a criminal/child abuse background check, and to also take part in 3 hours of Safeguarding God’s Children training.

Safeguarding God’s Children policies of the Diocese of Texas states that two Safeguarded adults be present at all times when caring for children or youth. (Adults interested working with our children or youth, please submit this interest form.)

Youth (ages 12 and older) who are interested in volunteering as helpers with children’s activities must also participate in a Safeguarding process and annual training geared for adolescents and teens. Please contact rector@stjameaustin.org or office@stjamesaustin.org for more information.