Freedom Schools is a program that is, in the language of the Presiding Bishop Becoming Beloved Community initiative, repairing the breach.
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The AISD administration is now conducting hearings as to which schools it might close. Of course, east Austin schools are most at risk.
Last fall, some members of St. James’ met with representatives of the Seminary of the Southwest with an eye to…
Cindy Kohler writes about the impact of the St. James’ women’s group, Phenomenal Women.
The St. James’ Community of Hope is a group of trained lay pastoral caregivers who minister to those in need of spiritual support.
Last night, I was sitting around a dinner table with some folks from St. James’, and we predictably started into a conversation around one of the questions at the core of our identity as an inclusive, multicultural parish: How do we in our divided and divisive society become a community that pursues racial justice?
Published with permission Vigil in remembrance of those murdered in New Zealand St. James Episcopal Church March 16, 2019