1941 Webberville Rd., Austin, Texas 78721
(512) 926-6339
Home Events Worship The Good Friday Project

The Good Friday Project

The Good Friday Project is a time for contemplation. Every year, since 1992, artists from the St. James’ Episcopal Church community and artists from communities in Central Texas and beyond are invited to reflect on the themes found in the crucifixion experience, such as unconditional love, forgiveness, reconciliation, betrayal, abandonment, hope, and more. This sacred and somber event is a collection of their artistic responses. Silence is kept during the project, with no talking or applause. Each artist and each audience member gets to experience their own thoughts and reactions to the performance offerings and the experience, in solitude, in quiet, and in their own time.

Traditionally, The Project is a live, improvised experience. In response to the current pandemic crisis, performance offerings were pre-recorded individually at each artist’s home or at a location of their choosing.

You can connect to the Good Friday Project online HERE, on Friday, or join us live on Zoom Webinar at 7pm Central Time. In keeping with the contemplative and introspective nature of Zoom attendees will be in audience mode (with their videos and microphones turned off), and there will be no interactive text chat or Q&A features on the Zoom Webinar. Please find a comfortable seat and watch from where ever you choose to log in online. After the 7pm viewing, the Good Friday Project will be available to view on our website.

You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: Apr 2, 2021 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Topic: The Good Friday Project

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