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Home Events Formation Sunday Morning Forum: Summer Genesis Study

Sunday Morning Forum: Summer Genesis Study

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“In the beginning…” opens the bible.  Genesis is about how our identity as the people of God originated.  We are going to spend 11 weeks this summer exploring this origin, and our guide will be the Rev. Dr. Judy Fentress-Williams (professor of Old Testament at Virginia Seminary) through her just published and very readable HOLY IMAGINATION: A Literary and Theological Introduction to the Whole Bible.  She draws upon the African American preaching tradition of “sanctified imagination” to offer what will be to many of us a somewhat different approach to bible study.  She want us “to fall in love with scripture.”  So, consider the following as “dates” with scripture, and join us as often as you can to fall in love:
June 6—Overview of Holy Imagination
June 13—Primordial Stories (Chaps. 1-11) and ancient Near East parallels
June 20—Get Going, Abraham (12:1-9)
June 27—Pauli Murray Sunday and her interpretation of Genesis
July 4—Mother Hagar (16:1-6; 21:8-21)
July 11—Binding of Isaac (Ellen Davis)
July 18—Jacob Saga: Birthrights and Blessings
July 25—St. James’: Birthrights and Blessings
Aug. 1—Leah and Rachel
Aug. 8—Joseph Saga: Sold
Aug. 15—Joseph Saga: Savior