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Home Events Formation Sunday Morning Forum: An Introduction to Luke’s Gospel

Sunday Morning Forum: An Introduction to Luke’s Gospel

Get ready for the year when we hear from the Gospel according to Luke!

Think of all of that special Luke material that has fundamentally shaped your understanding of Jesus and what it means to be a Christian: the infancy narratives replete with the songs of Zechariah, Mary and angels; the parables of lost sheep, coins, and the prodigal son; the good Samaritan; the rich man and Lazarus; the persistent widow and the judge; recognition on the road to Emmaus; and, of course, the grand narrative of Acts. Over and over, Luke calls us to his table to encounter Jesus and a vision of the kingdom, made alive and real through the Holy Spirit.

The Year of Luke reminds us that, as the Body of Christ, we are a people anointed to bring good news to the poor and sent to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor (Lk 4:18-19). In every year, this is a timely reminder, but what will it mean for you this year? What good news has God given you to share? And to whom will you go? Because, make no mistake about it, Luke expects you to get out there and go! Luke invites you to follow his wandering Messiah whose face is set on Jerusalem (Lk 9:51) and to follow God’s unruly Spirit that regards not our human boundaries, but beckons us on to unimagined places and peoples.

Join The Rev. Eileen O’Brien for a two-week intro to the Gospel according to Luke in person or on Zoom.

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