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St. James’ Leadership Symposium

Sunday, September 25, 12 pm-1 pm (Zoom info below)

This is a pivotal moment in the life of St. James’ Episcopal Church.  We have found ways of being together in worship, service, and fellowship, even during a pandemic.  A world of new possibilities draws nearer to us as we find that we will be able to retire our debt more quickly than we ever imagined.  The coming years challenge us to live more fully into our identity as an inclusive and multicultural community, which has come this far by faith.  Our 501(c)3 Welcome Table has completed the first year of its strategic plan after a season of growth and change during the pandemic.  We have a shot at laying good foundations for sustainable ministry to elders and families in our east Austin community, serving those who bear heavy burdens in the midst of gentrification.

As we look for leaders to serve on the Vestry over the next three years and to represent St. James’ at Diocesan Council, I am praying that this season of discernment will also be a season of recognizing and rejoicing in the gifts of one another in the congregation.  Don’t you feel known when someone recognizes the gifts you bring to community?  Isn’t that part of the way we welcome people to the table?  By exclaiming, as God did in creation, how good!  I see that you bring a goodness to our togetherness.

Please join us online or in person in Founders Hall for this conversation about opportunities to serve in this exciting time, and invite someone whose gifts you see.

Here is a form to help bring people to the Vestry Nominations Committee’s attention.

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