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(512) 926-6339
Home Events Formation Worship Online Liturgical Ministries Training

Online Liturgical Ministries Training

This one-hour training is designed for those who wish to serve through offering readings or the prayers of the people online or who are interested in the virtual choir.  St. James’ needs to hear you and see you!  I cannot tell you what an encouragement it has been to hear the prayers and the scriptures through many voices, and we will be continuing our online services for the foreseeable future.

Each liturgical ministries training is designed to review best practices and to provide an overview of the season ahead.  How does the reading you are offering fit into the narrative?  Why did we choose to gather the community virtually to sing a particular hymn during this season?  Learn more about the why behind liturgical service as we move through the last months of the Season after Pentecost, that long green season of growth in discipleship.

Here is the Zoom invite.  Zoom allows you to connect on a computer, smartphone, or to call in on any phone.

Use this link:

Or dial:
1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 817 3896 2553
Passcode: 480364
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kcotj5x7Om