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Home Events Formation Finding a Place at the Table: December

Finding a Place at the Table: December

Welcome to Finding a Place at the Table!

At St. James’ we proclaim, “Wherever you are on your journey of faith, you are welcome at this table.”  We seek to live that out through welcome, invitation, and making space for each other.  Maybe you have just found St. James’ or maybe you have connected here and there.

Finding a Place at the Table will help you get oriented and involved.  It’s a low-key, high-relational way to find your place in this community of faith. We’ll spend two Sundays talking together about these three things:

Join us in person in Founders Hall or online (Zoom link is below).

Week 1: What is the good news of the Welcome Table that we seek to encounter and enact at St. James’?

We will talk about the history of St. James’ and how this history speaks of the greater welcome that God has for us.  What do we mean when we say, “Wherever you are on your journey of faith, you are welcome at this table”?  We’ll talk about the four virtues that we seek to live out through life together: radical hospitality, being doers rather than just hearers, covenant relationship – belonging to each other, and approaching life as a spiritual journey.

Week 2: What’s the best way to get involved?

We’ll talk about why we are a church built upon the living out of the baptismal promises of each person, lay or ordained.  What does the work of the baptized look like within our doors and far beyond them?  Why is the work of anti-racism, justice, and embrace of the other a non-negotiable part of the life of the baptized, and how can we all offer ourselves to that work?

At the end of Finding a Place at the table, you’ll have met others on the journey, and you will have a sense of where we might be headed together.

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