1941 Webberville Rd., Austin, Texas 78721
(512) 926-6339
Home Events Youth Fall Youth Retreat
Fall Retreat

Fall Youth Retreat

Who: St. James’ youth (friends welcome) Our max is probably 16 youth and four Safeguarded adults.
What: Quality time to kick off the school year together, get to know each other, play big camp games, pray together, cook together, travel together.
When: September 16 (6 pm rollout from Austin)- September 18 (noon roll-in from Camp Allen.
Where:  Camp Allen (our regional Episcopal camp near Navasota), Grove Lodge 1.  The Lodge has 8 rooms and space for 20 people.  Bedding is provided, and if you check out the link you can see the rooms.  It’s really nice.  We would bring our own food for prepping in the kitchen there.
Cost:  $50 each (The raw cost of a trip like this for a youth group ranges from $1400-$2000.  St. James’ will already be subsidizing the trip quite a bit at a $50 buy-in.  However, we don’t want cost to keep anyone from participating, so scholarships will be made available on a just-ask-for-what-you-need basis.)
Theme: Begin Again

To sign up, fill out your event release form and turn in your registration fee by September 5.

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