Deacon Kyra is returning from sabbatical.
As we embark upon a new year, let us resolve to take on the practices of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., for those marching for a new world.
The St. James’ Community of Hope is a group of trained lay pastoral caregivers who minister to those in need…
Join us on Sunday, January 5, for our first children’s service of 2020. This Sunday, we will celebrate the Feast of Epiphany, and the sermon and music will focus on Matthew’s story of the magi.
St. James’ embodies Christ’s love wherever we are by welcoming all to the table for spiritual nourishment to share with the world. Volunteer with us at Mobile Loaves and Fishes and Trinity Center.
Right after the holidays, come out with St James’ Brushbusters and the Community of Hope to help a neighbor while having fun.
The Vestry Nominations Committee are pleased to submit the following slate for Vestry and the 2020 Diocesan Council delegation.
Here are the 2020 dates for Liturgical Ministries Trainings! You can RSVP to winter/spring trainings here.