1941 Webberville Rd., Austin, Texas 78721
(512) 926-6339

Dinner Church at the Late Service, An FAQ

On the first Sunday of the month, instead of gathering in the sanctuary, we will gather in Founders Hall for “Dinner Church”, that is, a sacred meal in which we share stories, song, conversation, prayer, and food together.  Having trouble picturing it?  Here is an FAQ:

“Dinner Church”?  Is that like a thing?  Where does this idea come from?

It’s clear from Paul’s writings in the New Testament that the celebration of the death and rising of Jesus among early Jesus followers was set within the context of a community meal.  So, there are some ancient foundations for this rediscovered and renewed practice that has become a way of gathering people to experience the holy together by sharing a meal in common.

Should I bring anything?

There’s no need to bring anything.  Bring a friend or family member.  Bring a dessert if you like.

I’d like to come.  Should I just show up?

Yes, of course.  If you would like to ask questions though, email Rev. Eileen at rector@stjamesaustin.org.  This might be particularly good if you have any unusual food allergies.

When should I arrive?  How long can I expect to stay?

Music and final table setting begins at 5 pm.  We will wrap up and clean up by 6:30 pm at the latest.

Are children welcome at Dinner Church?

Absolutely! Children of all ages are more than welcome, and will be doted on and adored by the congregation. Dinner Church runs a little late for really little ones (we intend to finish worship at 7:00pm) but you’re welcome to slip out before the service is entirely over if need be.

I have dietary restrictions.  Will I be able to eat?

Each Sunday meal will include a good vegan option.  Our eucharistic elements include a gluten-free, lactose free wafer.  If you have other food allergies or food-related concerns, please email Rev. Eileen at rector@stjamesaustin.org.

I don’t drink alcohol.

This is a recovery-friendly space.  We will not drink wine as a part of our meal.  You can pass on the chalice during communion.

What should I wear?

It’s summer.  Whatever makes you comfortable.

Is Founders Hall wheelchair accessible?


Is this meal a Eucharist?

Yes.  We use a Eucharistic prayer from the New Zealand Prayer Book, and you will see that we do all the familiar things of Sunday worship in a somewhat different order.

What about our 5 pm musicians?

They will be there supporting our time together and joining in the conversation at table.  Hooray!

I still don’t get it.

Come and see!