St. James’ Community History Project
This May, the St. James’ Community will embark on a community history project together. Your story matters!
May 1, 12-1 pm
Join us in the Founders Hall and bring your best recollections, old documents, pictures, Vestry minutes – whatever you have on hand. On May 1, we will be led in a timeline-making activity to help us get started. Come in and place yourself on the timeline and get curious about key dates and happenings at St. James’. For those who have been here for a while, write down those moments that we should remember and not forget.
May 15, 12-1 pm
Once we have developed our timeline, we will have a review session, telling the story in brief decade-by-decade, to bring forth our big questions about the history of St. James’. Where are the gaps? Who do we need to be talking to in order to learn more about this event or that? Bring your curiosity and join us in Founders Hall.