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Home Events - St. James' Episcopal Church Formation AGAIN + AGAIN: Photography Exhibit First Look

AGAIN + AGAIN: Photography Exhibit First Look

Beauty provokes goodness.

St. James’ is so delighted to host AGAIN + AGAIN, a photography exhibit that invites recurring and fresh contemplation of the ordinary and extraordinary through the seasons of the Christian liturgical calendar.  Provided by CIVA (Christians in the Visual Arts) and curated by Ginger Geyer, this exhibit will be at St. James’ from September 26 through October 25.  There will be a number of ways to explore and contemplate the artistry and the mystery of this collection.  Expect that it will inspire sermons and teachings.  Let it inspire you and your friends by making time to explore it.

The first viewing will be this Sunday, September 26, in Founders Hall and the church building.  We invite you to linger after the services this week for a first look.

