1941 Webberville Rd., Austin, Texas 78721
(512) 926-6339

March 9: Norman-Sims Art Show

Dear People of St. James’, 

This Sunday, March 9, between the 12 and 1 pm services, we will host the annual Norman-Sims Art Show in Founders Hall.  

Hayden Schmidt, the art teacher at Norman-Sims Elementary, is coordinating this event and her students have wrapped up the art they would like to sell.  This year, the students collectively decided to dedicate the money from their art show to the support the Austin Animal shelter off Levander Loop.  They will be taking field trips towards the end of March to this shelter donate new toys for the animals there, and they are eager to support the shelter’s work.

Students in 2nd-5th grade have created 2 prints each on cardstock that they would like to sell for $5 each.  Each print will have a protective cover and an artist statement on the back.  

If you would like to make a contribution to the Norman-Sims arts program, consider this list: https://a.co/6Pvj5jX.

Here is a note from Hayden Schmidt about the list: 
I put together a list of things our classroom could use.  They don’t look like traditional art supplies because Norman-Sims partnered with Office Depot this year and received an abundance of school supplies. On this list you will find items for building a Lego wall, sewing machines to start a sewing club, and educational books for either the students or myself to put together take-home activities. I really appreciate y’all taking the time to look at our list! 

The Norman-Sims Elementary School community appreciates your support!  Be sure to join us on Sunday, March 9.

Rev. Eileen