1941 Webberville Rd., Austin, Texas 78721
(512) 926-6339

Welcome to St. James’ Class

Welcome to St. James’ Class
12-1:30 pm

Orange Building

Who is this group for?
The Welcome to St. James’ Class is designed for newcomers to St. James’ and those who might have been worshipping with us for a while but want to explore more deeply the Episcopal and Anglican tradition that we live out in our own particular way at St. James’.  It is an opportunity to get to know others who have been drawn to this community more deeply.  We ask that you commit to all of the gatherings, barring emergencies, because it’s important that you have the time to get to know each other.  This group can serve as preparation for Confirmation, Reception, or Baptism.

This group will meet on:
March 9 – History of St. James’ & the Episcopal Church
March 16 – Foundations of Episcopal Identity: Baptism & Eucharist
March 30 – Foundations of Episcopal Identity: The Life of Prayer and Discernment
April 6 – Foundations of Episcopal Identity: How we make decisions together