1941 Webberville Rd., Austin, Texas 78721
(512) 926-6339

Easter Lilies and Dedications

Easter Lilies are a long-standing tradition in the Episcopal Church. They are considered symbols of  new life and resurrection and are used to adorn St. James’ on Easter Sunday. These flowers can be given in memory, honor, or thanksgiving this Easter. The cost of the lilies is $25 per plant. Orders may be placed through this ONLINE FORM, or by contacting the office ((512) 926-6339) by Friday, April 8, at 2 pm.

If paying by check, make your check for $25 per plant, payable to St. James’ Episcopal Church, and on the memo line add “Easter Lilies.”  The check must be received by April 8 at 2 pm.

Please note the name of those you wish to remember, indicating if it’s a memorial. Donations received on or before April 8 will be listed on the Easter dedications page.

Send questions to office@stjamesaustin.org.